I went far and beyond to make everything better.
I traveled all over the world to bring that piece you have always wanted.
I went in with my able-body guards just to bring you gifts.
But my pumpkin mother failed me. My guards deserted me just when it was time for the opening.
My knight in shining armor refused to rescue me at the chiming of the clock!
With great difficulty and hours, days, and weeks of sweat, I was only able to bring you this...
Open the box of goodness and serenade yourself with the joyful news about birth!
Your Best Fangirl is back and it is about to get better!!!!!
Can the D.J raise the music to top-notch!!!
Can the people make some noise!!!!!
Oh! My dear Shola, you are intrigued by the name and are confused about what she entails.
Don't worry, I'll take you out of the state and give you a resource to think about.
Do you know all these K-pop stars and even our celebrities? And the way their fans go out for them?
That's exactly what "Your Best Fangirl" means but it is more than that!
What does it now entail?
Your Best Fangirl is a brand that offers writing services to you and its main aim is to offer love, comfort, and encouragement on your journey to becoming!!!
She is specially designed for you and your needs.
You know when you are having a bad day and nothing makes sense to you, Your Best Fangirl will provide the comfort that you'll need.
She is there to make everything better and No! She is not an assistant Holy Spirit😂😂
But she works with him closely to be your fangirl!
If you want more of this goodness and delight, why don't you subscribe to this list to enjoy weekly overloads of delight?
My people, the celebration continues!
Go announce to the world that your favorite best girl is back! Your Best Fangirl is back!!
You know how it goes!!
I love you and I'm rooting for you.
Your Best Fangirl❤
Welcome 💃💃🎉🎉
I can't wait for the exciting journey with you #yourbestfangirl